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Monday, August 16, 2010

Photoshop isn't just to "save a crappy photo" as I was once told.....

I am shocked that it's been over a month since I've written.... I had a lot going through my head in July... and I'm finding the right way to put it into words.... working on developing a new page for a fresh start... but while that's a work in progress.... I still wanted to put something up :)

We attended my Mom's family reunion this weekend... it was SOOO much fun... which I have photo's I may post later.... but what I wanted to post today was pictures of my cousin Tara. Tara had absolutely no idea I was going to take her "hostage" and photograph her... Actually, I had no idea myself !!! LOL
She and I were talking and catching up, it had been 2 years since I had seen her... She has grown up so much... She is a senior this year in high school and is hoping to attend a culinary college after graduation.... She had been swimming prior to my arrival and really, she was just ready to get back into the pool ... BUT, then I happened... LOL
She was hesitant for only about.... a hot minute... and then she was all for it... :) ... neither of us cared that her hair was haphazardly pulled up and that she had very minimal make-up on... I actually was happy for both.... So, around the farm we went..... I have to say, I am VERY happy with how these turned out...
OHHHHH... and before I go forward... I was once told that I use photoshop because my pictures aren't so good and I try to mask them and hide behind photoshop and try to be something I'm not....
So, I've come to realize that isn't true.... I've never claimed to be a "professional photographer" and I've never had a class... So I KNOW my pictures aren't top of the line... BUT they are from my heart and soul and the best ability I currently have to capture memories for myself and everyone.... I use photoshop to help me express a different type of art from the photograph.... I like my pictures just fine without these affects(effect??? ugh I get them confused)... but I chose to add them because I like them.... and I just love what I do.... :)
Now.... on to Tara... a good sport and a great person
~~See the difference in the next two effects?? I just couldn't chose my favorite... I love them both for such different reasons

~~ So the next one... I saw that old disassembled car and just had to use it... but I have to say...I can't take full credit for the next picture.... My 4year old Nephew actually took it... !!!! I just added an effect I liked to it... he did a pretty good job
~~now this next one.... I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT... I know it's all blown out... but there is just something about it that I just really really like....