One day we will get over that gully :)
No matter how many times we go out here it never seems to look the same because of the tides... We drive out on the beach.... drive down as close to the gully as we can get and pretty much camp out... for HOURS... he used to sleep over night, we haven't done that yet but I'm sure it won't be long until we do.... :)
The tide was coming in while we were there. When we first arrived the water was about 10ft in front of where he is standing... Soon it will be to where I am standing.
I was looking for a different picture rather than my basic beach shot... Nate suggested getting lower and taking it from a Different Point of View; so, since tide was really low we had a much different texture with all the stones and grass that hang out when tide is high... (yes, if you peer out far enough you can see the water ;)
Oh man I want to go to the beach!