Well, Kai-son is now here... what a doll... his eyes and jawls are starting to get that droppy hound-dog look which I LOVE... He was 8weeks and 4 days old on Friday.... Nate wasn't concerned about how Kai-son and Maxx would get along but I'm an over worry-wart; therefore I was...
However, I feel much better so far.... Kai-son has a STRONG personality... he and Maxx have started a small "pump of the chests" tiff's that come with the males starting the dominant process, however they seem to be handling it well with each other.. no major snaps just rumbling.... . know what I mean? I can't seem to get my words to come out right now...
Some pictures so far... For some reason I'm having problems with focus on my camera so I apologize in advance...
With Nate and Maxx going around to the side yard:

Wondering what Maxx is up to

He got a saftey orange color today (to help me see him at night because he is so dark)... as well as a bandana... Look at those ears!!!!!!....

Ok, so my settings were WAYYYY off for this one ... but I still LOVE it.... he isn't brown... sorry

A few of Kai-son posen' it up a little bit... :)
I HAVE to learn how to photograph him... he's soooo dark... I need to start using a different flash and use for filler too.... errrrr... He does have a very long strong tail... although I seemed to have left it out of this one... and he looks so stocky for such a young puppy LOL

My favorite of today even though my settings are still all jacked up... I'm going to play with different filter effects on this one...