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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Delaware storm of 2010

Well, we definitely got the snow they were calling for... Mom is "essential personal" at the hospital so we had to trek out and get her to work... it is NASTY out... ugh.. I'm dreading what it's going to be like when we have to pick her up... we have at least 6 more inches since we've gotten home... Here are a few from our way home from taking her to work:
Nate took this one... I pulled a little on the saturation... I like how it looks

This picture turned out so weird... and it kinda looks like eyes... but there is something about it I just like--I think it has either a Norman Rockwell feel or kinda comicbookish... I haven't decided

Really poor visibility

More pictures to comeeeeeeeeeeeee... ugh

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