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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kai-Son via cell

Well my week off is almost over. Its been awhile since I've taken 1 week straight off work. With the puppy being here I haven't accomplished as much as I had hoped. He comes first though. We want him to be an awesome addition to our family and he has to be worked with. Nate was able to only take Monday off. I miss him.
Yesterday stunk for me...I had a horrible sinus headache, I only slept 4 hours during the night (not because of the pup)and then I didn't catch Kai-son 4 times!!! Bad me; he was really good about it though, 3 of the 4 times he went on the "emergency" papers by the door he is used to going to the outside. Today is a good day though.
He's getting a little better with the crate situation. He can stay in it now for 3 hours (while we are home and in and out of the room where the crate is) without any serious whining or barking. When he thinks we aren't around he has lasted 2 hours.
I hope Nate ends up with a rain day so he can come home early today. Kai-Son goes for his wellness check up and it would be great if Nate could join us.
During the day it is much more difficult for me to have my big camera since I'm solo; so, I used my cell for the ones I'm posting today.
He loves the stick

Decided he wanted to move it to where Maxx was enjoying the sun. He didn't have to go too far ;)--Caught his tail in motion... can you see it?

Then he decided he was pretty beat after dragging that stick... and that Maxx had a good idea, so he joined him in a short nap.

Such a good boy...taking time to smell the flowers during our walk... yeah, ok, truthfully, he tried to eat it!!!!


  1. You are so good at capturing special moments! I love how you provide the step by step pictures with captions! You have a gift!!!


  2. my daughters said he looks so happy with maxx and you guys..they laughed at him carring that BIGGG you know it he will be bigger then that stick..
