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Monday, June 29, 2009


Yummy Yummy Yummy.... We had a most wonderful dinner the other night.... fresh tomato, fresh wonderful onion, lightly sauteed mushrooms, fresh corn on the cob and a delish prime rib.... I absolutely LOVE grilled food.... shrimp, peppers, onions, mushrooms, maybe some chicken, maybe some red meat.... maybe potato... everything is better on the grill ... (I am partial to charcoal vs gas grills though) ...... We LOVE fresh veggies... The yummy onion...


Sunday, June 28, 2009

my pity party for the day... Entitled to one on occassion

I have alot on my mind today...that I want to put it all in words; and I struggle... I've been known for having a great imagination; but to put it in words has always been a challenge. I'm 40...41 in July and I have so much I want to say and do...I wish I could just pull the portion of my brain out that has all this energy ... put it through a blender until it comes out in wonderful words and photographs...
*I miss my brother and his kids (I need to get off my butt and see them more)
*I miss my grandparents sooooo much; I wish I had been a better grand-daughter.
*I wish I was a better photographer... I could be but don't apply myself enough
*I love to cook and need to cook more
*I wish I was so much better with finances
*There are people I miss so much in my life... Courtney!!! and so many more.
*I wish I had the back bone to tell people to go away who have treated me so badly
I am not normally a negative person, which is something I take pride in, but today.. for some reason, I have something heavy weighing on me and I just can't seem to find the source so that I can make it disappear......and since most people don't like to hear negativity (I know I don't)I'm ending for right now.
Look at Floyd... even he's yawning in boredom... LOL

Blessed be and I hope your week is wonderful

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Playing around

I have sooooo much to learn about photoshop... I read so many photography blogs and see so many beautiful edits and often wonder.. HOW did they do that??!! I'm slowly learning.... So, until I learn more... Here are a few photo's that we just played with.... They will do for now... Of course; these aren't the edits that would "sell" pictures, but boy have they made for some fun...
*Nate...this was actually taken through a screen door... I was on the inside of the garage he was on the outside; it was very bright that day... I just "blew" out the background some.. Yeah, the last minute sticking out of the tongue... well, totally not

*Anthony, one of my best friends:... He was helping me with some studio practice

*Arial... I actually love this picture.... she is sooo unique

*Out For Justice: a local band looking for some flyers in 2007...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Drifting off

I have some strange weather photo's I'm going to work on but that will be for a later post.... Because I'm tired and ready to curl up in bed... While I'm getting ready for my snuggle into the covers time I was remembering our vacation to the Outer Banks ... Rodanthe NC.... So incredibly peaceful... I think I'll drift off to sleep, wrapped in the security of Nate and Maxx, Sheba and Floyd.. (YES... we do all snuggle together in the king size bed... we are so odd.... Anyway... a few thoughts floating through my mind... I Hope you find comfort in these too:
It looks like a painting.. LOL

Nope, we didn't catch anything... but who cares??... LOOK AT THAT OCEAN

The wind was constantly blowing... Maxx's ears stayed nice and salt fresh.. umm.. eww... but he did actually enjoy letting his ears blow in the wind... gotta love him

Good Night

Saturday, June 20, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WESLEY!!!... My nephew and Godson
My Sister In Law made the cake...

With the help of his best friend Taylor...One more to go.... Getting ready....


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Taking a little down time

A little under the weather.... so, I'm not putting much up today... I'm finding comfort in an older picture of Floyd as he sleeps in the window while it rains...
I love this cat.. he so rocks!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

What is up with this??!!

We have been having the most unusual weather here in Delaware lately. Nate and I were heading home from work on Tuesday and a pretty heavy rain storm started.... Keep in mind, we both work a little over an hour away from home... (depends on who's driving LOL... me, 1hr 15min... Nate: 45min-1hr) ... anywho.... Traffic stops around Odessa... we take a little road and get off RT1 and go through Townsend... yeah, ok, we didn't go into Townsend we went into a Stephen King Novel.... SERIOUSLY...
We are headed to this little bend in the road and this magnificent lightening bolt... 3 seconds later we round the bend and the tree that bolt hit was still smoldering and shattered.... I was so freaked out... I totally forgot I had 4 yes 4 camera's available to me and I didn't take one picture.!!!! bad me
so, we go further down the road and the fog was amazing...!!!! Amazing I tell you; seriously, roll down the window stick your arm out and your hand disappears... of course, no picture... I AM SO SLACKING... but here is the fog w/out sticking my hand out LOL

Anyway, we found a driveway to pull over into because a state trooper was coming through with every light on his cruiser on (thank goodness because seriously, there was no visibility.
The temperature had dropped so much, it was just incredible... Well, finally we are headed towards the end of the road and the fog lifts... we see there is snow and hail on the ground YES... HONEST... BOTH!!!... We get to the end of the road, jump back on rt 1... ride about 5 minutes and not one drop of liquid anywhere...
Anyway, my systems are finally loaded and I need to get work done, here are a very few that I did finally take...

The one fog spot we came out of, the slushy mess we drove through and at the bottom you can see the new fog starting to surround us

The end of the road is near!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sherry and Jay> Finally the day :)

So, the day finally arrived....and sadly, Nate had to miss it because he was home with what we think may be food poisoning. I had to fly this event solo...
Jay and Sherry(see previous e-session) got married at Heritage Shores. We were all worried since it has been raining so much... But Sherry and Jay had a perfect day!!!... Sunny and about 82degrees... But at 2pm that sun can be wicked... boy was it hot... AND although I was only there for about 25min in the sun... I got sunburn... Yep... and mostly it's on the left side... LOL... Oh well, it was worth it to be a part of this day.. :)

The minister asked for all cameras (other than "the" photographer) remain off during the actual vow ceremony; So, I don't have as many pictures as I normally would... Here are a few I got to take prior and a few I snuck in during (shhh.. don't tell)
The view from the balcony...
Sherry arrived in a beautiful horse drawn carriage; along with her Dad , her daughter-and step-daughter (the bridesmaids)...
gotta love the ringbearer all steadied up with hand decorated pillows in a little red wagon being pulled by his Mom... The grandson... 1 year old.... He was soooo good during the ceremony...
Look at that Train... I wish I could have gotten closer picture for you to see, it was incredible...
I had to try and sneak at least one in right as the cermony was endingCongratulations Sherry and Jay!!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009


We are trying to be good about posting daily... We missed yesterday, so 2 for today. :)
Hmmm... maybe we should save this for a "color" day post. Red.... LOL ---Check out this red hair!!! All natural and all beautiful.
I just don't know how to put into words how wonderful Cortney is... She is one of the most patient people I know... Thank goodness since she has sat through HOURS of being a "test model" ...
I was introduced a new camera in October of 2008. A Nikon D80. Cortney was kind enough to drop was she was doing and run down (over an hour drive) to run around to several random different places and sit at a drop of a hat. THANK YOU CORT....
We do not have experience with studio shoots so, there is definately room for improvement here... It's fun to practice....

This is one of her favorite Bible verses:
Look for an updated and much different photo shoot with Cortney to be posted the very end of June or first week in July... I AM SO EXCITED!!! Thank you for EVERYTHING Cortney. I*heart*you.

Feeling blue

So, maybe on Saturdays we will have at least one post of a Color... Who knows how it will turn out. Lets try and have some fun.... Today, I'm feeling blue.
.. and maybe a tad too much green... ;) (Tommy, cut your grass... LMAO)
My youngest brother Tommy lives a few blocks away from us. You will see many pictures of his family here.... Today we will start with Wesley. I *heart* him. He will be 3 the end of this month.... He made me see blue.........................
One of his favorite places.... his sandbox... full of BLUE sand... ;)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sneak Peak.....
Anne & Veronica....
I have known Anne for over 5 years now (Nate just met her on this shoot) and when she asked if we would take Veronica's 3month old pictures and first family shots, we were so excited. This shot was actually taken after the shoot was over.... Anne had just picked Veronica up from a relative and I just happened to turn and CLICK.... Our favorite from the session........................

Photographing children can be so much fun, especially at the beach. Welllll, Veronica decided it just wasn't the thing she wanted to do that day.... She only wanted to either sleep or fuss.... LOL... So, we didn't obtain quite the pictures we had hoped.... but it was still such a fun day.
We will post some of the family group shots soon. :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sherry and Jay were a fun couple to photograph. There was so much laughter during this session. I can't wait until their wedding June 7th. I've known Sherry for a little over 10 years now and I was very excited when she asked us to take a shot on her engagment pictures. Here are a few of our favorites.

A very common sight, laughter......
The ring is absolutely beautiful.................
A little verse that she chose.............

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wow, we have finally started to put this space together.... It will be a work in progress because we are both new to this world.... Most of the time you'll see it written in the context of "I" because I will normally be writing these.... Nate gets in on the action though, when he can... he's a busy busy man and the computer is the last thing on his mind with free time... LOL !!! We will come back later with more little tid bits about ourselves .... We hope you truly enjoy our attempt and sharing things we enjoy.....
We have no children and are one of "those" couples who cling to our pets to fill that void (when we aren't visiting out Nieces and Nephews.... LOL
Here are quick snap shots of them.... Butterscotch= Floyd (aprx 7 yrs old).... Calico=Sheba (aprx 4 years old) and then there's Maxx (8)... who you will meet below...

And now, we are going to introduce you to our oldest.... His name is Maxx... He is an 8 year old English Mastiff and what a great boy he is.... He LOVES the water.... Here are a few to share:
The first was taken in North Carolina.... With Nate... they are such the best of friends.

Another in North Carolina... and YES, he is body surfing.. I told you he LOVES the Ocean
The next two are at one of our local beaches in Delaware...... Posen' it up some... :)